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Hello from the CrashCam Films Global HQ. Here’s what we’ve been
up to:
the new
CrashCam Films blog
is in the works
March 21 , 2008
upcoming "Hell on Wheels" screenings:
Three Nights in Austin!
Alamo Drafthouse at the Ritz in Austin, Texas
Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 10 pm
Wednesday, April 2, 2008 at 10pm
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 7pm
320 East 6th Street
Austin , TX
(512) 476-1320
**director Bob Ray and producer Werner Campbell in attendance for post screening Q&A
Phoenix Film Festival
Friday, April 4, 2008 at 7 pm
Saturday, April 5, 2008 at 12 noon
Sunday, April 6, 2008 at 9:10 am
Harkins Scottsdale/101 Theatre
7000 E Mayo Blvd
Phoenix , AZ 85054
**director Bob Ray and producer Werner Campbell in attendance for post screening Q&A
March 8 , 2008
New APESH!T episode “Butter Face” now online
The new APESH!T's here!
The new APESH!T's here!
That's right folks, the brand spanking new episode of APESH!T is LIVE. The episode is called “Butter Face.”
In the tradition of the great American road movie, Butter Face takes you on an epic journey of discovery. That is, if you think a monkey, a rabbit and two humans shooting the bull as they tear ass across the American southwest in a kick ass '71 Superbird is classic Americana … oh yeah, add a butter face, a Cleveland steamer, a Uranus flytrap and a dash of sexual confusion. Go America !
So swing by the site and watch it:
APESH!T “Wa-Hoo” at SXSW on Saturday, March 8 at the Hideout
And remember the original APESH!T? You know, the “Wa-Hoo” episode. Well that lil' gem is screening at the SXSW Film Festival on Saturday. The screening is part of the Austin Film Society's Member Showcase. Info can be found here:
Hell On Wheels
SOLD OUT! “Hell on Wheels” in NYC was a blast!
A HUGE thanks to the awesome Gotham Girls Roller Derby and to the Brooklyn Academy of Music! Our screening on Wednesday night was SOLD OUT! It was an amazing screening with a great Q&A and a sweet free-booze after party. We had a fantastic time and just wanna thank all those that came out to catch the flick and swap derby stories with us. We LOVE NY!
“Hell on Wheels” booking update
We've been collecting info on leagues and cities that want to help us book screenings. We're getting loads of requests and in about a week, we will start contacting everyone and scheduling some screenings. So if you've sent an email, we have it and will be in touch soon. Thanks for your patience.
If you haven't contacted us and you do wasn't us to screen in your town, please drop a line to: info@hellonwheelsthemovie.com
February 29, 2008
Hell On Wheels
upcoming "Hell on Wheels" screenings:
Wooo-wee! The Los Angeles screening of “Hell on Wheels” was such a freakin' blast. We're still all giddy about it over here at the Hell H.Q. Thanks to the Los Angeles Derby dolls for hosting the event and thanks to the American Cinematheque for housing the flick.
NYC is right around the corner and we're ramping up for a great screening at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on March 5th , sponsored by the ass-kicking Gotham Girls Roller Derby. Bob Ray (director) and Werner Campbell (producer) are doing some pre-screening press. Keep your eyes peeled and ears wax-free as we're slated to pop up on WKCR 89.9 FM New York and a feature article is being penned for the New York Sun newspaper, and hopefully more TBA.
We're looking forward to getting back to the Big Apple, catching up with old friends and making new ones. So if ya know anyone in the NYC area, please pass the info along!
Brooklyn Academy of Music
Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 7:00 PM
Peter Jay Sharp Building
30 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn , NY 11217
(718) 636-4100
**director Bob Ray and producer Werner Campbell in attendance for post screening Q&A
sponsored by
Gotham Girls Roller Derby

Three Nights in Austin!
Alamo Drafthouse at the Ritz in Austin , Texas
Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 10 pm
Wednesday, April 2, 2008 at 10pm
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 7pm
320 East 6th Street
Austin , TX
(512) 476-1320
**director Bob Ray and producer Werner Campbell in attendance for post screening Q&A
more screenings just announced on the Hell on Wheels page.
Hell on Wheels Now Booking Future Screenings:
We've been getting a lot of requests to screen in various cities. We are eternally grateful for your support and patience as we figure out how best to go about doing this. I'm happy to announce that we now have it set up so that we can start booking more screenings!
If you'd like us to show the flick in your town, please drop us a line at:
You've probably seen the “Wa-Hoo” episode a million times, right? (If you have seen it less than a million times, you can see it at www.ApeShitCartoon.com .) Maybe you saw APESH!T “Butter Face” at the Alamo and you wanna giggle at that one some more. Share it with your buds online, right? Well, we're damn near about to get ready to comply!
The most recent word from mysterious APESH!T animation kingpin RyPar is that the “Butter Face” episode will be ready to go live on www.ApeShitCartoon.com in a few days. AND the “Pecker-pine” episode should come down the pike in another week or so… probably so. Yeah, I'd go with so.
We're screening APESH!T "Wa-Hoo" as part of the SXSW Austin Film Society Member Showcase
Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 8:00 pm
The Hideout Theater
617 Congress Ave
Austin , TX 78701
(512) 443-3688
APESH!T in LA soon!
Oh yeah, come April, look for some APESH!T at the American Cinematheque in Los Angeles . That's right, you heard proper. The APESH!T “Wa-Hoo” will be screening as part of an animated selection of kick-assery! I'll get y'all all the details as they trickle in, eh?
CrashToons in the works.
Speaking of animated kick-assery, we're having so much fun with the animation thingy around here, that we're planning on launching a few more lil ‘toons. The CrashToons banner will host a series of super-short animated clips, including the random samplings of various whatnot that will boast the awesome name “CrashToons presents,” and the new episodic adventures of our surly platypus friend/fiend P.Rex.
Word is these little nuggets will make fly in April. So go hold your breath! Or better yet, squat down and breathe heavily for about a minute, then stand up real fast and hold your breath while a friend bear-hugs you and you pass out! We used to call that move “The Elevator” back in the playground days… way better than merely holding your breath.
More info soon.
February 13 , 2008
Hell On Wheels
We're screening this lil' gem to enthusiastic crowds all over the place. Great reviews are coming in and audiences seem to be having a grand ol' time. We're happy as can be with the reception the film is getting.
We're constantly adding screenings, so be sure to keep up to date at: www.HellOnWheelsTheMovie.com
Aside from the night where two of the APESH!T all-star voice actors got jumped by a herd of boob-deprived, Mardis Gras-mad drunken frat boys, the Spike and Mike's screening at the Alamo was asmashing success. And mind you, it was not at the Alamo where said tiny-peckered frats decided to get all punchy, it was at a nearby bar. The fracas (in hindsight) is kinda quaint now… Anyway, we all escaped un-date-raped, and reletively unscathed (or was it the other way around?) so I suppose all is fine with the world.
The screenings? Oh, they were great! The audiences were fantastic! Giggles galore! And Drafthouse Henri? Yeah, he hosted the event and that's one funny-ass mofo. Thanks Henri, Tim, Zach and all the gang at the Alamo Drafthouse who made us feel right at home (double-dildo tug-o-war anyone? …ahhh, home…).
Did I hear a “Butter Face” or a “Pecker-pine”? Yes I did. And we're dang-near finished and ready to plaster the web with those trailers that the Alamo is screening. I'll keep ya posted on when that SH!T hits the fan via this here forum and the news page at www.ApeShitCartoon.com
January 29, 2008
Hell On Wheels
We're screening this lil' gem to enthusiastic crowds all over the place. Great reviews are coming in and audiences seem to be having a grand ol' time. We're happy as can be with the reception the film is getting.
We're constantly adding screenings, so be sure to keep up to date at: www.HellOnWheelsTheMovie.com
American Cinematheque
at the Egyptian Theater in Los Angeles
Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 7:30 PM
6712 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles , CA
(323) 466-FILM
**director Bob Ray and producer Werner Campbell in attendance for post screening Q&A
sponsored by
Los Angeles Derby Dolls

>>> Meet the Los Angeles Derby Dolls before the screening! <<<
We're super-excited to be having our Los Angeles premiere at the American Cinematheque in the super-fine Egyptian Theater and sponored by the super-ass-kicking L.A. Derby Dolls. What could be super-better? So please come on down to the screening! And bring your friends and neighbors and in-laws.
Get there early for some bonus action:
We'll be showing some local derby footage before the flick and you can meet the L.A. Derby Dolls, live and in-person! Los Angeles ' finest bank track roller derby action, the Los Angeles Derby Dolls ( www.derbydolls.com/la ) are sponsoring the event and will be out in full-force at the show! Represent, my sistas.
Speaking of dolls, don't forget to catch some hard-hitting roller derby action on Saturday night at the Doll Factory as the L.A. Derby dolls kick some ass on the banked track with the Tough Cookies taking on the 2007 champions Sirens at the
Doll Factory
1910 W Temple St
Los Angeles , CA 90026
Doors at 6 pm
Starting Friday, February 1st the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema at the Ritz in Austin, Texas will screen trailers for the APESH!T movie (in theaters this fall!) in front of various films. The first trailer, "Butter Face" will kick off in front of Spike and Mike's Sick & Twisted Animation Festival on Friday, February 1st and will run through the 10th. The APESH!T "Pecker-pine" trailer will follow shortly after.
On Friday, February 1st and Saturday, February 2nd, APESH!T writer/director Bob Ray will introduce the show (the two late shows each night)!
For more information, check out the Alamo Drafthouse page here: http://www.originalalamo.com/Show.aspx?id=5121
In addition to the trailers, we have some full-length episodes in the cooker: The APESH!T episode "Fart, Genie in a Bottle" is in the currently in the works, "Spring Break One Off" is about to get the storyboard treatment, and "Monkey in the Crime Machine" is on deck.
We've been busy as SH!T around here.
As always, keep up to date at www.ApeShitCartoon.com
November 23, 2007

Night of the Kung Fu Zombie Bastards from Hell!
NOTKFZBFH (a surreal, stop-action animated, negative-projected, in-camera-edited kung fu zombie flick shot on super 8 negative film) is screening at the 5th Anilogue Festival of Animation in Budapest, Hungary. The fest runs from November 29 through December 2, 2007.
NOTKFZBFH is screening in the Panorama section on Friday, November 30th at 7:30 pm.
even more “Hell on Wheels” screenings:
CMJ Music Marathon & Film Festival, NYC
Friday, October 19 at 11:00 am
IFC Center, NYC
*director Bob Ray and producer Werner Campbell in attendance;
post screening Q&A moderated by Jamie Schutz (producer Survivor , Miami Ink))
presented by
Gotham Girls Roller Derby
30th Annual Starz Denver Film Festival
Starz Denver Film Festival
Sunday, November 11 at 7:00 pm
Monday, November 12 at 9:15 pm
Starz FilmCenter
September 30, 2007
more “Hell on Wheels” screenings:
San Francisco DocFest
Friday October 5 at 7:30
Saturday, October 6 at 9:15 *in the large theater
Sunday, October 7 at 9:15
at the Roxie Cinema
*director Bob Ray and producer Werner Campbell in attendance for post screening Q&A
presented by
The Bay Aread Derby Girls

Alamo Drafthouse, Austin
Flat Track Roller Derby National Championship weekend
Friday, Sept. 28 at 7:30
Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar
*director Bob Ray and producer Werner Campbell in attendance for post screening Q&A
Tucson Film & Music Festival
Monday, September 3 at 7:30 at The Rialto Theater *Closing Night Film*
Australian Center for the Moving Image
Sunday, September 9 at 3:30 PM
San Francisco DocFest
Friday October 5 at 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 6 at 9:15 PM
Sunday, October 7 at 9:15 PM
at the Roxie Cinema
July 18, 2007
this just in:
“Hell on Wheels” screening at the Tucson Film and Music Festival
August 31st through September 3rd
more info soon
July 17, 2007
Hell On Wheels
Oh man, SXSW was great. Did you see those press clippings? Pretty sweet.
The next film fest screening is at the 20th Annual Dallas Video Festival which runs from July 31st through August 5th up in Big D.
“Hell on Wheels ” screening at the 20th Annual Dallas Video Festival
Saturday, August 4 at 9:30pm at the Dallas Theater Center

Hell on Wheels is proud to announce the Dallas premiere of the documentary about the birth of the modern era roller derby movement courtesy of the 20th Annual Dallas Video Festival.
“Hell on Wheels” Saturday, August 4 at 9:30pm at the Dallas Theater Center
www.dallastheatercenter.org 3636 Turtle Creek Blvd , Dallas (214) 526-8210
More info at: www.videofest.org and www.HellOnWheelsTheMovie.com
July 9, 2007
APE SH!T screening in
Palm Springs International Festival of Short Films
August 23-29
APE SH!T has been officially selected to screen at the world famous (and highly prestigious) Palm Springs International Festival of Short Films!!!! How the hell did that happen? Who knows. Maybe the patron Saint of Scatology, Scatman Crothers had something to do with it.
Either way, we're fine with it. We're gonna try and send a delegation of SHIT-heads out to raise a ruckus. So wish us luck!
No details just yet. We pleased as punch to be screening in this world famous film fest. It's like the Sundance of short film fests!
July 7, 2007
dirty south APE SH!T - August 22-25

We just got word that APE SH!T will be screening in Atlanta as part of the Atlanta Underground Film Festival's Animation Attack!
We'll be screening on Saturday, August 25th at the Plaza Theater at 9PM.
So clean out your dirty south and get it all lubed up for some monkey-love! More info soon.
July 2, 2007
go APE SH!T at the Animation Block Party NYC! July 27-30

New York City 's most bad ass animation festival has selected APE SH!T to burn the roof off the joint on Saturday, July 28 at the Poineer Theater in good ol' NYC.
The screening information has just been released and we're headlining the Saturday night lineup!
check out the Animation Block Party Film Festival's full line up at:
ABP July 28th:
Animation Block Party's second night drops Saturday July 28th at the Pioneer Theater on East 3rd Street, between Avenues A and B (closer to A) in Manhattan, NY.
Buy Advance Tickets Here for July 28.
Pioneer evening screenings will run at 8:30, 10:15 and 12:00 midnight.
Animation Block Party Pioneer Screening Lineup…
Utopiate – Lee Noble
Prey – Tom Kyzivat
Eye Sore - Johnny Castuciano
View-O-Rama – Chelsea Manifold
Jose y Maria – Edward Juan
Snake – Becky James
Floor Kids (B-Boy Live vs B-Boy Nugs) – Jonathan NG and Kid Koala
Raccoon and Crawfish – Four Directions Productions
The Ballad of Thaddeus Lowe – Kelly Jones
Hedgehug – Dan Pinto
Cole Needs Women - David Chai
Once Upon a Putt in the West – Imran Awan
Linear Progression - Kat Kosmala
Escargo – Hubert Chan
Zoologic – Nicole Mitchell
A Faery's Tale – Sylvia Apostol
Dragon – Troy Morgan
Worst Case Scenario # 12, Home Invasion – Katerina Dzolganovski
Ape Shit – Bob Ray
The after party will begin after the 10:15 screening ends at Julep at 9 Avenue A with Budweiser flowing courtesy of America's Finest News Source, The Onion, Inc.
April 13, 2007
Press from SXSW screening:
“Hell on Wheels is an epic doc. It's fast, fun, and inspiring.”
- Chris Gore (founder, Film Threat Magazine)
“Part rock 'em, sock 'em sports doc (cue Trail of Dead) and part behind-the-scenes exposé, the film is blessedly free of A&E-style jiggle and melodramatic pandering, and it makes clear the value of Derby for misfit girls who like to clothesline people. Best of all is the film's coda, which tracks the subsequent formation of Roller Derby leagues across the U.S. and the globe.”
- The Austin Chronicle
“…the kind of twists, drama, cat fights and compound fractures that only happen in real life. …the story is extremel y compelling, sometimes laugh-out-loud outrageous and above all inspiring.”
- Ain't It Cool News
“Hell on Wheels is a killer documentary about the Austin all-women's roller-derby leagues that inadvertently launched a nationwide (and now worldwide) revival of the sport.”
- Salt Lake City Weekly
“…a fascinating story and a fun movie.”
- Cinematical
March 3 , 2007
Hello from the CrashCam Films Global HQ. Here's what we're up to:
Hell On Wheels
The music is finished (and completely kick ass, by the way). The sound is being mixed. The online happens this weekend. We color correct next week. And the graphics are being created with loving care. Then, when all that is finished (hopefully within the next two weeks), we glue all that together and master a tape. And with that tape, we stroll down to the fabulous Paramount Theater right here in beautiful Austin, Texas and enjoy our world premiere courtesy of the world famous South by Southwest Film Festival.
The unofficial screening time/date is Sunday, March 11th at 1:30 pm. There will likely be an after party at Emo's Lounge following the movie. More info and subsequent screening info at: www.HellOnWheelsTheMovie.com
slap! waaaa! we made delivery!
We pushed hard! We pushed long! Veins in our neck and face throbbed! We nearly passed out as the blood rushed to our heads in the BIG final push... butt now, plop... we have given life!
Please send gifts... booze... contraband... weapons... heinous drugs... scantily cald vixens... and love... and lube... and nunchucks...
The lil' baby will be ready for viewing soon (see below for a sneak peek). The adoptive parents are getting the bells and whistles all lined up for the lil' guy's debut.
Speaking of adoptive parents, it looks like Madonna missed the boat on snagging this lil' African tree critter. The proud new parents of Albert and company are residing in a building on Williams Street in Atlanta , GA. You might be familiar with some of their work, as they are quite famous (just like Madonna!). They're the hooligans churning out such gems as the hilarious cartoons (and bomb threats) on [adult swim] on the Cartoon Network. But don't go flipping the clicker around looking for us on the boob tube just yet. Instead, click your boob on the mouse-clicker and aim that nipple for www.SuperDeluxe.com. Good ol' Super Deluxe is a new online comedy channel brought to you by the Williams Street team.
And as always, keep up to date on our MySpace page or the official APE SH!T page at www.ApeShitCartoon.com
February 8, 2007
Hell On Wheels
The music is finished (and completely kick ass, by the way). The sound is being mixed. The online happens this weekend. We color correct next week. And the graphics are being created with loving care. Then, when all that is finished (hopefully within the next two weeks), we glue all that together and master a tape. And with that tape, we stroll down to the fabulous Paramount Theater right here in beautiful Austin, Texas and enjoy our world premiere courtesy of the world famous South by Southwest Film Festival.

The unofficial screening time/date is Sunday, March 11th at 1:30 pm. There will likely be an after party at Emo's Lounge following the movie. More when that firms up.
We're damn near done on this lil' guy. Just a few more grunts... grunt... breathe... grunt... plop, plop... there's still some in there... almost done...
December 29, 2006
Hell On Wheels
Mix it up!!!
Act 1 has been getting the royal treatment. The sound is being mixed as we speak. We sent off Act 2 to the sound mix ninja earlier today and should be sending off Act 3 within the next week or so. We're getting there. Should have some info on a world premiere time and place pretty soon. We'll keep you posted.
CrashCam gets knee dee in SH!T!! That right, I'm talking about the cartoon called APE SH!T. Shut yo mouf! No lie, dig the new web site if ya don't believe me!
Full-bore, open up the governor animation:
That's where we're at. If the plan sticks, we should be finished with the pilot in the next few weeks or three. The cartoon should go live sometime in Feb (maybe early March). More info soon!
September 14, 2006
Hell On Wheels
Take that Houdini!
This picture is locked up tight! In civilian lingo, that means we've completed the editing!
If you don't know why this is such a milestone, let me get you up to speed. After filming for four years, we went into the editing room with 500 hours of footage. We logged and transcribed and we edited and edited and edited for a year and a half. And now we've finished the editing part!
Now don't go getting all drunk and lazy on us, there's still a small mound of work to be done. We roll on into all the technical stuff next: recording a score, color correction, EQ, graphics, etc.
Those who've started betting pools about when we'll unleash this flick would be wise to wager on sometime in the first quarter or so of 2007.
There's a new super-secret teaser-trailer sneaking around out there… we're gonna be a bit stingy with it for the time being, but surely that thing will pop up online sooner or later.
June 21, 2006
Hell On Wheels
It's official! We're in the fine fine fine fine tuning stage of editing (it follows the fine fine fine tuning stage, duh)!
Here's the low down: we've locked the story part and completed about 95% of the editing. There are a few very minor (but crucial) changes we're gonna make. Once we do that, we declare the picture locked and start on the score (with the kick ass band …And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead )… then it's on to all the technical BS to perty up the flick.
CrashCam gets knee dee in SH!T!! That right, I'm talking about the cartoon called APE SH!T. Shut yo mouf! No lie, dig the new web site if ya don't believe me! But for real, this is all still in the works. The good news is that we're talking with some big-shot folks about a pilot right now!
Rock Opera
Hey! The DVD is out there… I mean, it's out there ! Dig? Go buy a copy!!! It's packed with extras! And I mean packed , if ya know what I mean.
The Down Side
This project is but a a completed script for a hilariously tense, double-crossing caper flick! The things just waiting around to blossom into a movie…
The Down Side script has the Slamdance Film Festival saying:
“Hilarious and gut wrenching.”
“This script is incredibly engaging from the beginning… pure storytelling genius!”
“If this script hasn't been passed around Hollywood by now, it would be wise to get it in the hands of an agent who can do just that.”
May 17, 2006
Hell On Wheels
So the LA leg of this journey was fantastic. We re-shaped and refined the flick and really did a ton of great work. Conor O'Neill is a certified top-notch editing machine. He's a great guy to work with to boot. I guess that makes him a cyborg of some sort.
Viet Nguyen was an amazing assistant editor as well as a hell of a host (as was Veronica Mars thankyouverymuch).
Thanks a bunch to Greg Roman who provided the downtown spot for us to set up shop.
Also big thanks to the LA Derby Dolls for their hospitality.
26, 2006
On Wheels
you know that making a documentary is a boatload of work, right?
It’s not like we’ve just been sitting around twiddling
our thumbs mind you. In fact, here’s what we’ve
cooked up:
to the completion of this flick is cash. Trooper that he is,
Werner Campbell’s out there taking one
for the team. That’s right, the poor s-o-b is neck deep
in fat-cats and big-wigs and he’s hob-knobbing and elbow
rubbing the hell out of these deep-pocketed bazillionaires and
securing the funds needed to finish this doc off in style.
other half of this two-headed snake, Bob Ray will
roll on out to LA and work with Conor O’Neill
(editor of two of CrashCam Films’ favorite docs of late:
and Word Wars
) to finish the edit. We blocked out 5 weeks for the final cut
and start on February 6.
Roman, the infamous filmmaker behind the kick ass onslaught
of brand spanking new Honky
music videos has offered up his edit room for our use. Many
thanks to our brother in arms for his hospitality.
Nguyen, filmmaker, Austin expatriate and assistant
editor on the TV show Veronica Mars will be
heading up the many vital duties of assistant editor.
back in Austin, the kick ass band …And
You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead will write
and record an original score for the flick. How freakin’
rad is that?
hell yeah, we’re going tri-coastal on this thing. The
newest edition to the roster is producer Jere Orlandi.
Jere is a native Texan based out of New York City. She’s
been working as a producer at MTV for several years and began
working with Bob Ray in 2002 shooting promo spots for MTV2.
Jere brings tons of experience to the project and is overseeing
the post production process. She’s lining up some top
notch talent for all the glamorous technical mumbo-jumbo like
graphics, color correction, and sound work.
8 , 2005
Hello from the CrashCam Films Global HQ. Here’s what we’re
up to:
On Wheels
that cut is fine!” Hell on Wheels fine cut
The total run time is 85 min! That’s right, you
heard me. 85 minutes of butt kicking action and gripping drama.
also got a really bad ass band creating an original score for
the film. We’re gonna keep our lips buttoned for now,
but it’s a pretty big deal and we’re all riled up
about it over here at the CCF HQ.
“Rock Opera” DVD release in the UK? This
just might happen… we’ll see.
and Maverick team up
Bob Ray & Jerry Clark (Toe from “Rock
Opera”) signed a deal with Maverick to get APE SH!T up
and running. That’s right, APE SH!T. It’s a super-secret
animated project that’s been in the cooker for a lil’
while. We’re not prepared to divulge much info at this
time, but it’s gonna be gut-busting, smart/low brow, down
& dirty, pseudo-intelligent potty humor and well, it’s
gonna be freakin’ funny.
Ray and Jerry Clark created and developed characters, sketches
and story-lines for an animated series and floated a few copies
around a while back. Maverick (you know, Madonna’s company)
bumped into a copy and decided to hop in bed with us. We’re
officially teamed up in an effort to get this series made.
is a fickle bitch, so who knows what will happen. But being
the blind optimists that we are, we’re hoping to start
making some cartoons in some sort of not-too-far-off-future
(hopefully not the post-apocalyptic kind of future, though).
Ray off to Ohio to screen flicks & lecture at Denison University
What are you laughing at? Bob has loads of experience educating
the students and passing the wisdom on to the hordes of future
filmmakers. To date, Bob has lectured at Cal Arts, The University
of Kansas and The University of Texas (not to mention teaching
Super 8 courses at Austin Children’s Museum, Center for
Young Cinema and America YouthWorks). On top of that, they used
to (or maybe still do?) screen “Night of the Kung Fu Zombie
Bastards from Hell!” in the 308 film class at UT. So in
your face you skeptic, you.
University alumni include actor Hal Holbrook (1948), and Walt
Disney Company president Michael Eisner (1964)… not sure
if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
Down Side
a chance that this hilariously tense, double-crossing caper
script might be moving toward a 2006 production date. We’ll
keep you posted.
Down Side script has the Slamdance Film Festival saying:
“Hilarious and gut wrenching.”
“This script is incredibly engaging from the beginning…
pure storytelling genius!”
“If this script hasn’t been passed around Hollywood
by now, it would be wise to get it in the hands of an agent
who can do just that.”
17, 2005
Hello from the CrashCam Films Global HQ. Here’s what we’re
up to:
On Wheels
The 5-hour barrier has been broken!!!
At the end of June, on her way out of state for a previously
scheduled (and much deserved) two-week vacation, “Hell
on Wheels” editor Cory Ryan delivered the first rough
assembly of the flick. Endless hours were spent in the editing
room as we carved the story from a mountain of nearly 500 hours
of footage spanning four years. We knew this first cut was going
to be long and we expected a 9 hour film at this stage. Not
far off the mark, it clocked in at 8 hours and 4 minutes.
that point, Bob Ray stepped into the edit room for some shuffling
and trimming. Over the past week and a half, he’s been
slashing away chunks of the flick and paring it down to a leaner,
meaner storytelling machine. The latest tally has the film clocking
in at 4 hours 59 minutes and 45 seconds. Our goal is to have
the run time between 90-120 minutes.
returned on the 14th and we’re now back to full man/womanpower
and continue to streamline this awesome and riveting documentary.
We’ve only got to trim off another three to three and
a half hours…
We had to put the cutting of a new trailer on the back burner
for a while, but we’re getting that one fired up again
now that Cory is back and Bob can focus on the task.
Werner Campbell, as always, continues to produce the hell out
of this thing. That’s what producers do.
la Roller Derby!
CrashCam Films
star and Go-Kart Films V.P. Will Keenan, known for his legendary
pre-event kick-offs for Sundance, Cannes, and AFM, has announced
a Los Angeles launch event (July 21st) to precede and celebrate
the Video Software Dealer Association's Home Entertainment conference
(Las Vegas July 25-28). The event will take place at Hollywood's
legendary Rocket Video with many of the industry's top distributors
and retailers, with special performances and clips of new releases.
Video manager Jeff had this to say: "I'm calling the cops."
Go-Kart founder Greg Ross released in a statement that he "is
in no way responsible for the actions of Will Keenan and will
NOT be doing a strip-tease at the event" as previously
WORONOV!, WILL KEENAN! (Tromeo&Juliet, Trick, Eternal Sunshine
of the Spotless Mind, Operation Midnight Climax), THE FROGGG!
(from the hit indie "Frog-g-g!"), BONG-MAN!
21ST 7PM
726 N La Brea LA, CA 90036
BongMan crashes the VSDA in Vegas!!!!
Annual Video Software Associations' Home Entertainment Convention
Annual VSDA's Home Entertainment 2005 Convention will be held
on July 25 - 28 at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, and is THE
place to be if you're a distributor, retailer, or indie filmmaker
looking to sell a few dvd units to that fat cat in Texas who
owns 25 video stores.
http://www.vsda.org for
more info
25, 2005
on Wheels UPDATE: Phase 7 complete!
We’ve watched and logged all the tapes! Okay, so that’s
not entirely true. However, we have watched, logged and digitized
just about every tape. Actually the only tapes left to watch
are some bout footage. So what’s with all the hoopla?
Well, since we’ve been logging tapes non-stop from December
’04 until late last night, it’s something of a milestone
for us over here and we’re happy as can be.
wait! There’s more. All the while this logging has been
going on, our super-awesome editor Cory Ryan has been working
her tail off on the first rough assembly of the film! Yeah,
2 birds!
hoping to have the first rough cut by the end of next week!!!!!!!
it’ll run about 5-6 hours long, but considering that we
started with a stack of nearly 500 hour-long tapes (spanning
3+ years), it’s one hell of a step in the right direction.
next is the paring down of the flick to under 2 hours. We’ll
also be cutting a 3-5 min trailer telling what the story is
about. We’re targeting some pretty sweet film fests for
potential screenings in January and have 18 weeks until the
deadline, so if you don’t see Bob, Werner or Cory out
and about, rest assured that it’s because we’re
working our fingers to the bone to make this the most ass kicking
documentary ever!!!!
la Roller Derby!
CrashCam Films
05, 2005
Hello from the CrashCam Films Global HQ. Here’s what we’re
up to:
Opera DVD release date set: April 12, 2005!!!
Start planning your 4-20 party! The Rock Opera DVD will be out
on 4-12 (April 12, 2005). Plenty of time to get your sticky
lil’ fingers on a copy and gear up for a 4-20 celebration!
are a couple of release parties planned, for info, go to:
On Wheels
Yes… it is a project many years in the making. It’ll
be worth the wait. We’re digging our heels into post production.
We're making some great headway, so be patient.
If you need a derby fix right now, just check out any of the
35 plus leagues popping up all across the nation. www.HellOnWheelsTheMovie.com
Down Side
The first draft of this twisted dark comedy-caper flick is done!!!
It’s 113 pages of ass kicking, double crossing, rock and
roll fueled caper goodness. I've started a web page for it and
it has limited info, but check it out at http://www.crashcamfilms.com/thedownside.htm
Down Side script has the Slamdance Film Festival saying:
“Hilarious and gut wrenching.”
“This script is incredibly engaging from the beginning…
pure storytelling genius!”
“If this script hasn’t been passed around Hollywood
by now, it would be wise to get it in the hands of an agent
who can do just that.”
So we’re passing The Down Side around Hollywood right
now. The early word is out and there is some momentum building…
I’ll keep you posted.
out for APE SH!T. You'd better watch your back.
Thanks for your support,
-bob ray
19, 2005
Hello from the CrashCam Films Global HQ. Here’s what we’re
up to:
CrashCam Films Logo
Like the new logo on the home page? Thanks to Jared
Conner for whipping that out. He also did the fancy
new redesign of the Rock
Opera packaging. Samples are up on the Rock Opera
page. You can check out loads of Jared’s awesome art at:
Gamblers' "What's What" screening at SXSW in March
The Riverboat Gamblers video for “What’s
What” that we shot at Beerland on super fine
Super 8 film will be screening at this years South by Southwest
Film Festival in March. Check out SXSW.com
for details on the fest… we’ll keep you posted as
we get the info.
Opera DVD release date set: April 12, 2005!!!
Start planning your 4-20 party! The Rock Opera DVD will be out
on 4-12 (April 12, 2005). Plenty of time to get your sticky
lil’ fingers on a copy and gear up for a 4-20 celebration!
a gravity bong from hell, this DVD will blow your brain! That’s
a threat and a promise…
powerhouse team of GoKart
Films, Hoverground
and Koch Entertainment
defeated all others in a heated battle for the Rock
Opera DVD rights. The frenzied bidding war allowed
us the leverage to demand that all kinds of weird and crazy
stuff be included on the Rock
Opera DVD. Little gems like “The
Adventures of Donald Starkland” and “Night
of the Kung Fu Zombie Bastards from Hell!”
and several other kick ass shorts can be found in the jam packed
“Old Stupid Shit” section of the DVD.
got some of those boring audio commentaries that all the kids
are into these days. But we messed up again. We went and got
all wacky and recorded the Rock Opera Drinking Game by mistake.
Eight of the key players in the film gathered and followed these
rules while watching the flick:
1. When you hear “Dude,” “Fuck,” or
“Man” – you take one drink.
2. When you hear or see a band name – you take a bong
hit (then pass the bong (you greedy bastard) so the next person
can take a hit when another band name is mentioned).
3. Whenever Toe gets slapped around – you take a shot
of booze.
after recording the drunk game we got the bright idea to record
The Stoner Jam Track with Tia
Carrera What happened was Austin’s heaviest
instrumental combo came in and laid down a blistering 90 minute
jam while watching the flick (sorta like The Wizard of Oz and
Pink Floyd thing, but all kick ass and shit).
wait, there’s more… there are tons of music videos,
behind the scenes featurettes, trailers and kick butt short
On Wheels
Yes… it is a project many years in the making. It’ll
be worth the wait. We’re digging our heels into post production.
We're making some great headway, so be patient.
If you need a derby fix right now, just check out any of the
35 plus leagues popping up all across the nation. www.HellOnWheelsTheMovie.com
Down Side
The first draft of this twisted dark comedy-caper flick is done!!!
It’s 113 pages of ass kicking, double crossing, rock and
roll fueled caper goodness. I've started a web page for it and
it has limited info, but check it out at http://www.crashcamfilms.com/thedownside.htm
Down Side script has the Slamdance Film Festival saying:
“Hilarious and gut wrenching.”
“This script is incredibly engaging from the beginning…
pure storytelling genius!”
“If this script hasn’t been passed around Hollywood
by now, it would be wise to get it in the hands of an agent
who can do just that.”
So we’re passing The Down Side around Hollywood right
now. The early word is out and there is some momentum building…
I’ll keep you posted.
4 new script in the works:
While “The Down Side” is busy making waves of its
own, there’s a new script in the works. The new one is
called “Trike”
and is a rowdy ass comedy. You know how we like to do it over
here at CrashCam Films… we like the funny, we like the
rowdy, we like the ass… you know… We're also developing
a few other scripts: "The
Somethingorother Brothers," "Reign
in Blood," and "Disasterbater."
Drop us a line if
ya wanna know more...
27 , 2004
Hello from the CrashCam Films Global HQ. Here’s what we’re
up to:
Opera DVD deal inked in bongwater
Like a gravity bong from hell, this DVD will blow your brain!
That’s a threat and a promise… Problem is, you’ll
have to wait until March of 2005 to get your sticky lil’
fingers on it.
powerhouse team of GoKart
Films, Hoverground
and Koch Entertainment
defeated all others in a heated battle for the Rock
Opera DVD rights. The frenzied bidding war allowed us the
leverage to demand that all kinds of weird stuff be included
on the Rock
Opera DVD. Little gems like “The Adventures of Donald
Starkland” and “Night of the
Kung Fu Zombie Bastards from Hell!” and several other
kick ass shorts can be found in the jam packed “Old Stupid
Shit” section of the DVD.
got some of those boring audio commentaries that all the kids
are into these days. But we messed up again. We went and got
all wacky and recorded the Rock Opera Drinking Game by mistake.
Eight of the key players in the film gathered and followed these
rules while watching the flick:
1. When you hear “Dude,” “Fuck,” or
“Man” – you take one drink.
2. When you hear or see a band name – you take a bong
hit (then pass the bong (you greedy bastard) so the next person
can take a hit when another band name is mentioned).
3. Whenever Toe gets slapped around – you take a shot
of booze.
after recording the drunk game we got the bright idea to record
The Stoner Jam Track with Tia
Carrera What happened was Austin’s heaviest instrumental
combo came in and laid down a blistering 90 minute jam while
watching the flick (sorta like The Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd
thing, but all kick ass and shit).
wait, there’s more… there are tons of music videos,
behind the scenes featurettes, trailers and kick butt short
Werner’s Birfday Rock Show: Friday,
October 29 at Beerland
A Memo from the desk of Werner “Beardo” Campbell
(producer “Hell on Wheels”):
Friends and Family!
I will be celebrating my B-day at Beerland this year and would
love to see all y'all. Come see some of my rockin' friends perform
as well as the hairy-est costume I have ever worn!
Back in the 1850’s, a man named Werner Campbell became
a legend. He was a gentle man who was forced to leave civilization
behind and journey deeper into the wilderness than any white
man had ever been. And though he was alone and hungry, with
little hope for his own survival, he risked his life to save
an orphaned bear cub. He was a special man, with an incredible
ability to make friends with wild animals. He became known as
Grizzly Adams (www.grizzlyadams.net for the song).
Platforms at 11pm
at Midnight
Crow at 1am
Zombie Hillbilly Bastards from Hell invade San Diego
BREW&VIEW 13: "Brew&Spooky View/2"
Ocotber 28th | WHISTLE STOP BAR in San Diego, CA | 9PM
It is once again time for our wonderful and evilicious journey
to Brew&Spooky. We will be showing films with deadly themes
and evil subplots that will split your head open with...enjoyment.
Included in this year’s mayhem are two Bob Ray flicks:
Hillbilly Doomsday
Night of the Kung Fu Zombie Bastards
from Hell!
and View
3530 Curlew St.
SanDiego, Ca
18, 2004
Doomsday has been selected for the
International Competition at CinemaTexas
September 22-26, 2004 in Austin, Texas.
Doomsday will be screening as part of
International Competition Program: Midnite Show.
Alamo Drafthouse Downtown
(409 Colorado St.)
Leagues Under The Industry Film Festival in Cleveland.
The fifth annual 20,000 Leagues Under The Industry
Film Festival will take place in Cleveland, Ohio on October
1st and 2nd at The Beachland Ballroom. Sure 'nuff, they're gonna
screen Hillbilly Doomsday, so check 'em out.
Doomsday past screenings
11th Annual New
York Underground Film Festival
in March of 2004
11th Annual
Chicago Underground Film Festival in
August of 2004
14, 2004
The fine folks at the New York
Underground Film Festival (www.NYUFF.com)
screened Hillbilly Doomsday at their super-fine
film festival in March. Check their web site for more info.
Hillbilly Doomsday is the darkly comedic and brutally funny
short film of Texas first murder of the new millennium. Based
on a true story.

video screened at the South
by Southwest film festival in the Music Videos
We shot a music video for the Riverboat
Gamblers’ bad ass song “What’s
What.” It’s a nice little live action
vid shot on Super 8 film. The video is done and dubs are being
made. Hopefully, you'll see it on the small screen soon. We'll
keep you posted.
Three music video update.
We’re getting it all together. Really we are. They’re
putting the finishing touches on their upcoming album and we’re
planning the video right now. Hopefully we’ll be shooting
this video in the next two weeks… We’ll keep you
got a lot more music videos coming up for some great bands,
but until they’re locked down for sure, I’ll keep
my lip buttoned. If you wanna be involved in some of these upcoming
projects, check back here for updates and info and you’ll
be the first to know.
Down Side
The first draft of this twisted dark comedy-caper flick is done!!!
It’s 113 pages of ass kicking, double crossing, rock and
roll fueled caper goodness. I've started a web page for it and
it has limited info, but check it out at http://www.crashcamfilms.com/thedownside.htm
On Wheels
We’re looking at wrapping up principal photography on
this feature length documentary about the roller derby movement
afoot here in Austin, TX some time in the next few months. We’ll
probably grab a few shots here and there while we’re in
post and we’ll definitely be keeping our ears open to
the happening in the roller derby world as we get into the editing
process as they are a lively bunch. Check out our site for Hell
on Wheels at www.HellOnWheelsTheMovie.com
fine folks at the New York Underground
Film Festival (www.NYUFF.com)
screenedHillbilly Doomsday at their
super-fine film festival in March. Check their web site for
more info.

5, 2003
Hello from the CrashCam Films Global HQ. Here’s what we’re
up to:
The fine folks at the New York
Underground Film Festival (www.NYUFF.com)
will be screening Hillbilly Doomsday at their
super-fine film festival in March. Check their web site for
more info. Hillbilly Doomsday is the darkly comedic and brutally
funny short film of Texas first murder of the new millennium.
Based on a true story.
We shot a music video for the Riverboat
Gamblers’ bad ass song “What’s
What.” It’s a nice little live action
vid shot on Super 8 film. The film is being processed and we
hope to get it back and cut it together within the next few
Three music video update.
We’re getting it all together. Really we are. They’re
putting the finishing touches on their upcoming album and we’re
planning the video right now. Hopefully we’ll be shooting
this video in the next two weeks… We’ll keep you
Music Videos
We’ve recently completed a video for DamBaby,
it's pretty sweet. And we've got a lot more music videos coming
up for some great bands, but until they’re locked down
for sure, I’ll keep my lip buttoned. If you wanna be involved
in some of these upcoming projects, check back here for updates
and info and you’ll be the first to know.
Down Side
The first draft of this twisted dark comedy-caper flick is done!!!
It’s 113 pages of ass kicking, double crossing, rock and
roll fueled caper goodness. I've started a web page for it and
it has limited info, but check it out at http://www.crashcamfilms.com/thedownside.htm
On Wheels
We’re looking at wrapping up principal photography on
this feature length documentary about the roller derby movement
afoot here in Austin, TX some time in the next few months. We’ll
probably grab a few shots here and there while we’re in
post and we’ll definitely be keeping our ears open to
the happening in the roller derby world as we get into the editing
process as they are a lively bunch. Check out our site for Hell
on Wheels at www.HellOnWheelsTheMovie.com
17, 2003
from the CrashCam Films Global HQ. We’re
busier than a beaver with gum disease over here at the HQ (I’m
not sure what that means, but we are quite busy). There are
more projects than you can shake a brick at. What is this guy
talking about, you ask? Well dig it for yourself:
The darkly comedic and brutally funny short film of Texas first
murder of the new millennium is done (for the most part, anyway).
I’m finally getting around to sending copies of Hillbilly
Doomsday off to film fests. In the mean time I give the little
film a tweak here and there. Hopefully we’ll get some
screenings set up and we can all check out the flick, laugh
in horror and then feel guilty afterwards. Get info on the movie
at www.CrashCamFilms.com
Three music video getting a work over.
A bit of reshaping on things over here regarding the HeKill
Three video adventure. We’re
retooling the concept and will be now shooting a video for a
brand new and yet unreleased song. In fact the song is so new
it isn’t even recorded yet! How do you like that? Hopefully
we’ll be shooting the video in November after the tracks
a laid down. Keep your eyes peeled for updates.
Music Videos
We’ve recently completed a video for DamBaby,
it's pretty sweet. And we've got a lot more music videos coming
up for some great bands, but until they’re locked down
for sure, I’ll keep my lip buttoned. If you wanna be involved
in some of these upcoming projects, check back here for updates
and info and you’ll be the first to know.
Down Side
The first draft of this twisted dark comedy-caper flick
is done!!! It’s 117pages of ass kicking, double
crossing, rock and roll fueled caper goodness.
I've started a web page for it and it has limited info, but
check it out at http://www.crashcamfilms.com/thedownside.htm
On Wheels
We’re looking at wrapping up principal photography on
this feature length documentary about the roller derby movement
afoot here in Austin, TX some time in the next few months. We’ll
probably grab a few shots here and there while we’re in
post and we’ll definitely be keeping our ears open to
the happening in the roller derby world as we get into the editing
process as they are a lively bunch. Check out our site for Hell
on Wheels at www.HellOnWheelsTheMovie.com
21 , 2003
The picture is locked! Hillbilly
Doomsday is now undergoing some sound sweetening
and such. We're starting to submit the short to film fests,
so hopefully some time in the late fall or winter, we'll have
some screening dates to announce.
big news is now you can watch damn near every CrashCam Film
and music video online!!! For an index of films available to
watch, CLICK HERE.
Down Side is the new feature script in the
works. It’s filled with darkly comedic mayhem, tension
packed caper antics and a double cross or two if you can believe
that. The script is still in the rough stages, it’s growing
slowly but surely and is about 78 pages right now. It continues
to get better and more detailed.
been working on the "Hell
on Wheels" documentary for 18 months and anticipate
wrapping things up and heading to post sometime near the end
of this year. We have a teaser
trailer you can view by clicking
July 3, 2003
We changed the name of our documentary about the
high octane roller derby movement here in Austin. There was
a split in the league a few months back and are now two roller
derby factions functioning here in Austin. With all the change
in the air, we changed the name of our flick to Hell
on Wheels (previously know as Texas
Rollergirls).. so check out our brand new site and dig the
trailer and let us know what you think.
Hillbilly Doomsday
update: We’re working on the music and it’s almost
3 Music video in the works.
We’ll be shooting a music video for HeKill 3’s song
Escaping from their critically acclaimed CD 3.0. Soon...
May 8, 2003
Watch lots of CrashCam Films Shorts online
Go here www.CrashCamFilms.com/watch.htm
and check out damn near all the old CrashCam Films. See
your favorites, like The sci-fi classic “The Adventures
of Donald Starkland” and the sports epic “Basketball
Ted” of the horror flick “Night of the Kung Fu Zombie
Bastards from Hell!” and more.
Rollergirls” Teaser Trailer #2 on MP4.com
The fine folks over at MP4.com have our trailer online and it’s
been steady ranked at #2 for a month plus as the most viewed
film. So go watch it a thousand times and maybe we’ll
get to #1!
Three music video in the works
A quote from "Metal Edge" magazine:
Hekill Three and CrashCam Films to collaborate on video for
"Escaping," the single featured on the recently released
101X Homegrown Live CD. CrashCam's Bob Ray and Werner Campbell,
trailblazers in the art of underground punk rock cinema, have
been brainstorming with the band developing the concept and
theme for the video. Now it's time to raise the dinero $$ to
pay for the whole enchilada! Start your weekend early with hekill
three, teabag and friends and help them make it to the silver
Thursday, May 8: Video Benefit
hekill three, teabag and friends
Flamingo Cantina
515 E. Sixth Street
18 & up
Hillbilly Doomsday
in the home stretch...
Okay, it’s even closer to being done… there’s
no real deadline on this short film, so we’re taking it
at a leisurely pace. It’s brutally funny, man.
MTV2 airing promo spots shot by Bob
Seen any of the promo spots on MTV2 for Skeleton Keys,
Sahara Hotnights, Grandaddy, Polyphonic Spree, Estradashpere,
Jungle Brothers, …Trail of Dead, The Rapture, Blur, Supergrass,
The Fever, Singapore Sling, El P, The Coral, or
Simian? Well, all those fine spots were shot by CrashCam
Films’ Bob Ray. He works hard.
March 2, 2003
---Happy Texas Independence Day!!--
Opera screening on The Austin Music Network
The fine folks over at the Austin Music Network will be screening
“Rock Opera” during The South by Southwest Film
and Music Fests. The flick will screen on the opening night
of the film fest, Friday night at Midnight on March 7th. “Rock
Opera will show again during the music fest Thursday, March
13th at midnight.
--Austin Music Network: channel 15 in Austin and
San Marcos
--Friday night at midnight, March 7th
--Thursday night at midnight, March 13th
Support AMN, go here and sign the petition http://gopetition.com/region/238/1862.html
Rock Opera
nominated for a High
Times Magazine Stoney Award
The super stoners over at High Times Magazine have nominated
“Rock Opera” for a Stoney Award in the category
of Best Unreleased Film. The Award show will be held in NYC
on Wednesday, March 5th at B.B. King’s Blues Club and
will be hosted by Pauly Shore. So wish us luck!
“Old Stupid
Shit” screening on the Austin Music Network
The super-fine folks at AMN will also be screening “Old
Stupid Shit,” a collection of early short films from CrashCam
Films and director Bob Ray.
--Austin Music Network: channel 15 in Austin and
San Marcos
--Tuesday night at midnight, March 11th
Nashville Pussy’s
“High as Hell” music video screening at SXSW
The South by Southwest Film Festival will be screening Nashville
Puss’y music video for “High as Hell” as part
of the music videos program during the film festival. Check
the CrashCam Films site or the SXSW site for screening info.
Roller Derby bout featuring Nashville Pussy as musical guests
The bout will be held at The Austin Music Hall on Saturday,
March 15th
Doors at 2pm.
Musical guest Nashville Pussy!!!
-Hellcats vs. Holy Rollers
-Rhinestones vs. Putas
Ask us about the SXSW Texas Rollergirls party
and we’ll cough up the details.
February 1, 2003
Friendship music video release party at
Beerland on February 7
Check it folks. U.S.S. Friendship wrote and recorded a kick
ass song for us to use in our documentary about Austin’s
upstart roller derby league, Texas Rollergirls. We loved the
song so much, we made a music video for it featuring clips from
our film. After all this hard work we decided we needed a party.
So come on down to Beerland on February 7th in Austin, Texas
and check out the video and drink beer and get a knuckle sandwich
from a rowdy derby chick. (Edited by Cory Ryan, Produced by
Werner Campbell, directed by Bob Ray). Video screening and bands:
USS Friendship, Egypt, and Lozenge (from Chicago).
Texas Rollergirls
teaser trailer online at www.TexasRollergirls.com
Remember that cool U.S.S. Friendship song we were just talking
about? Well, we also used it for our teaser trailer. Go here
and check it out: www.TexasRollergirls.com/trailer.htm. We’ve
still got a lot of work to do on the feature, but this is what
it’ll look like when finished (or a reasonable facsimile
Rock Opera
screening at NewFilmmakers
in New York City
The NewFilmmakers screening series in New York City will be
screening Rock Opera at 8:30 PM on Wednesday, February 26th
at Anthology Film Archives (32 Second Ave., NYC, NY 10009, (212)
505-5110). So if you or anyone you know lives around the big
apple, then scoot on down to the lower east side and check out
the flick. Go on and forward this to all your New Yorker pals…
go on. Do it for the cause… it’s only five bucks!
What’s up at The CCF Global HQ
Season two of roller derby is right around the corner and we’ll
be filming all the action for our documentary “Texas
Rollergirls.” There’s lots planned for this
season and it should be a doozy. Check out the Bloody Valentine
bout on February 16th.
Doomsday” is still damn near done. Jeff Pinkus
(of Honky and Butthole Surfers fame) is hard at work composing
and conducting an original score for the flick. Based on the
true story of two East Texas murderous cousins in a frenzy of
violence fueled by the Y2K hysteria, Hillbilly Doomsday tells
the twisted tale of Texas’ first murder of the new millennium.
Brutally funny stuff, man. No lie.
I changed the name of the work in progress script
previously known as Black Gold to The
Down Side. The new title is still a working one, but
it’s an improvement. The Down Side is filled with darkly
comedic mayhem, tension packed caper antics and a double cross
or two if you can believe that. The script is still in the rough
stages, it’s growing slowly but surely and is about 58
pages right now. It continues to get better and more detailed.
January 12, 2003
Park City in 2003
Look for Werner Campbell and myself (Bob Ray) up in Park City
for the Sun-Slam-No-Troma-Break-and-every-other-kind-of-Dance
Film Fests and cinemania from January 17-22. We’re screening
the Nashville Pussy music video at a few of the fests up there,
including NoDance and TromaDance. So we’ll be up there
mouthing off and raising awareness for Texas Rollergirls and
other fun projects. If you plan on being up in Park City and
wanna hook up, send me an email at bob@crashcamfilms.com
2 year anniversary screening w/ “Night
of the Kung Fu Zombie Bastards from Hell!”
Flicker Film Fest is having a screening/shindig to celebrate
their second year in Austin. Part of the fun will be a screening
of the short horror classic “Night of the Kung Fu Zombie
Bastards from Hell!” “Zombies” is a stop-action
negative color short film filled with, you guessed it, Kung
Fu Zombies.
In addition to the normal lo-fi celluloid genius,
this screening will also include a special film sent to Flicker
in honor of their 2nd birthday from the A/V Geeks in Raleigh,
NC, appropriately titled, "Pamela Wong's Birthday for Grandma."
The AV Geeks have collected over 12,000 educational films &
this one has been hand-picked by founder Skip Elshemier for
your viewing pleasure!
Local filmmakers included in this screening are:
the band We Talked About Murder premiering a super 8 music video,
Lauren Siegel, Frank Reynolds & Bob Ray! Tuesday at 9:30
at The Alamo Drafthouse Downtown.
Films Presents: Bad Ass Shorts and Music Videos”
available for purchase now!
A steamy new batch of Hi-Fi VHS tapes of CrashCam Films' Bad
Ass Shorts and Music Videos (a new video compilation consisting
of damn every music video and short film ever made at CrashCam
Films) just landed on my doorstep. So you go now and purchase!
Where else can you get three, count em, three
Nashville Pussy music videos (spanning all three bass players),
Fuckemos, Phantom Creeps and Golden Arm Trio music videos as
well as critically acclaimed shorts like “Sweet Sweetroll’s
BaaadAsssss Spin,” “Night of the Kung Fu Zombie
Bastards From Hell!” and tons more. For twenty measly
clams you’ll get nearly a decade of short film and music
videos, domestic shipping included!
Nashville Pussy’s
“Say Something Nasty” to appear in The
Austin Music Network’s 2003 DVD
The Austin Music Network asked if they could include the music
video for Nashville Pussy’s bad ass song "Say Something
Nasty" in their DVD collection of music videos to be released
in 2003. We said hell yeah. Look for it soon!
28, 2002
PUSSY's "Say Something
music video for "Say Something Nasty" has been edited
and sent on its way. We wait to hear if the censors are going
to give us any shit. Hopefully you'll be seeing it soon. For
those of you who live in Austin, call up the Austin
Music Network and demand that they play it. For
those who don't, start harassing all the MTVs, MuchMusics,
MTV2s and whatever other music video outlet you can find to
play the damn thing.
Austin Music
Network has just invited the music video for
"Say Something Nasty" to appear on their AMN 2003
DVD. More details as they come in.
Derby Bout, Season 2
next Roller Derby bout is scheduled for late
January at Playland
Skate Center in North Austin. Check out bggw.com
for derby info and TexasRollerGirls.com
for info on the doc.
LINKLATER Interviews Bob Ray
Story for The Austin Chronicle, September 3, 1999
26, 2002
the Florida Premiere
of Rock
Opera on November
26th at subterraneancinema
in Jacksonville, Florida.
That’s right, Rock
Opera will have its Greek premiere courtesy
of the Gimme Shelter Film
Festival in November.
Check out www.gsff.gr
for more info.
October 18, 2002
Pussy’s music video “High
as Hell” spent ten straight weeks
on the AMN’s Top Ten Texas Videos. That’s right,
The Austin Music Network has a Top Ten “Best of Texas”
music videos and “High as Hell” has been steady
in the top ten for over two months. Horay!
October 15, 2002
Stupid Shit will be screening on AMN, Tuesday
at midnight. No shit. That’s this Tuesday, October 15
at midnight on The Austin Music
Network (carried by Austin’s Time Warner
& Grande Cable systems), a bunch of old short films and
music videos by director Bob Ray and his pals will have it’s
television premiere.
up the August-September 2002 issue of Austin
Daze and dig that interview with Bob Ray.
It's free for christ's sake.
30, 2002
Rock Opera
will be showing at Cafe Mundi
in Austin, Texas on September
30th. Come on down and see the flick and drink
beer. Yes beer.
23, 2002
Bob Ray on ACAC TV Monday night September 23rd at 10 PM
Check out “Up Late Austin”
Monday night (09/23/02) on Time Warner Cable’s Channel
10 at 10 PM. We’ll be talking about Rock Opera, short
films and the Roller Derby documentary. We’ll show some
derby footage, maybe the Nashville Pussy video too and we’ll
bring some derby girls along for the ride.
August 23, 2002
recently completed the assembly of The
Mule Shed, our low-rent micro studio and editing
suite. An editing frenzy will ensue.
Doomsday is in the process of being loaded
onto the Edit-Tron 3000-Q. Perhaps some day real soon we'll
all be able to laugh at the hilarity that will be Hillbilly
Doomsday. Based on a true story, Hillbilly Doomsday was shot
last spring and stars Jerry Don Clark, Michael Dalmon and
Mark Hanks.
patiently on the cutting block is West
Bound & Down: The Rock Opera Road Trip
the official road doc that Jerry Don Clark (Toe) and myself
(Bob) shot while on tour last fall.
Burger, the short documentary about two
South Austin boys throwing down at an eating challenge is
in the same yet-to-be-edited boat. However, we might find
another or two more eating challenges for our belt-busting
heroes to try and conquer. So if you know of any "if
you can eat it all then it's free" challenges in Central
Texas, please drop me a line: bob@crashcamfilms.com
next few months will be filled with rock and roll debauchery
in the hot Texas sun as we'll be shooting music videos for
U.S.S. Friendship, Toof, and Sniffy.
Maybe after that we can get around to shooting the short film
Sore Foreskin of the Apocalypse.
also a new feature script in the works, but it's all hush
hush and keep it under your hat right now, so clam up already.
for your support,
--- bob ray
x 6 at The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema
July, 2002
2, 2002
just wrapped up a week-long run of SIX IN AUSTIN followed
by a special one-night only screening of SIX IN PARIS
at The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Austin, Texas. "Six
in Austin" had its World Premiere at the 2002 South
by Southwest Film Festival and went on to screen in The
Dallas Video Festival in April of 2002.
Pussy’s “Say Something Nasty” music video
The music video for Nashville Pussy’s new song “Say
Something Nasty” featuring the bad ass women of BGGW,
Austin’s own all-woman roller derby league is damn near
done. The super-fine editor Leah Bowers is assembling the
footage shot by Tracy Layman, Jen White, Richard McIntosh
and myself (Bob Ray) and it should hit the streets in about
a few weeks or so.
--“Six in Austin” screening at the Alamo
Drafthouse Cinema in downtown Austin
The six-film anthology “Six in Austin” will be
screening at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in downtown Austin.
The movie consists of six distinct stories all set in current
day Austin, Texas. The segments were directed by Kat Candler,
Gonzalo Gonzalez, Wyatt & Zack Phillips, Bob Ray, and
David & Nathan Zellner.
in Austin, the brilliant, funny (and in one case creepy) six-directors-in-one
anthology… is one of the best micro-budgeted DV pictures
thus far.” --Marc Savlov, The Austin Chronicle
Monday, July 29th through Thursday, August 1st at 7:00 PM
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, 409 Colorado Street, Austin, Texas
(512) 476-1320
--“Texas Rollergirls” documentary
“Texas Rollergirls” follows the bad ass all-girl,
Austin-based roller derby league from its creation through
its first season. We’re in the thick of things right
now and it’s livelier than ever. Look for the finished
film sometime in 2003.
locked down the domain name www.TexasRollerGirls.com,
but it’s currently under construction, so come back
sometime soon and check us out. Bad ass web-ninja Beth Sams
(check out her many pages at www.groveefortune.com)
will be putting the site together. For more info on the roller
derby league, its players and teams, check out www.bggw.com
and shit,
------bob ray
in Austin” WORLD PREMIERE at South by Southwest Film
Festival 2002
big “Six in Austin” world premiere screening at
The South by Southwest Film Festival will take place on Saturday,
March 9th at 4:30 at Austin's finest theater, The Paramount.
The joint seats 1300 so, bring all your friends and family
and a stranger or two.
That's right, you heard me. There's an after party with free
beer and bad ass food from Trudy's (thanks to our super pal
Werner for the hook up). The party is at Elysium (705 Red
River at 7th Street) and runs from 7-10pm and features tunes
spun by the bad ass DJ Sue.
in Austin” is a six-film anthology of Austin shorts.
Each short was shot on Mini DV and is set in present day Austin.
The six films were shot by Bob Ray (Rock Opera), Kat Candler
(cicadas), Gonzo Gonzalez (Beset), David & Nathan Zellner
(Plastic Utopia), Wyatt & Zack Phillips (Some Place New)
and Geoff Marslett (Monkey vs. Robot). Bob’s segment
“Wrecked” is a dark comedy revenge flick about
a computer programmer who’s visions of unemployment
and revenge drive him loony in a bad way.
“Six in Austin”
Saturday, March 9th
4:30 P.M.
The Paramount
Elysium (7th & Red River)
Saturday, March 9th from 7-10pm
featuring DJ Sue
complimentary beer and Trudy’s Tex-Mex
The Austin Community Access Center television show The Reel
Deal will have the “Six in Austin” filmmakers
on as their guests on Wednesday’s show (March 6th).
The show airs on Time Warner Cable channel 10 at 10pm.
also supposed to be on KLBJ AM sometime this week. I’m
not sure when, so just listen all the time.
be on the lookout for a “Six in Austin” article
by Allison Macor in the Saturday edition of The Austin-American
Statesman newspaper.
Association of Independent Film and Video’s magazine
The Independent will feature an article on “Six in Austin”
in their April issue
Slate Magazine will have a piece on “Six in Austin”
in their May issue. Wyatt and Zack Phillips will be writing
it on behalf of the project
(the page for “Wrecked” is at http://sxsw.com/films/pages/651.html)
hope to see you all there.